
Introduction to invoicing

Invoicing means sending invoices to your customers for services or goods that you supplied. The difference between an invoice and a receipt is in simplified terms that a receipt is a certificate that you have paid for a service or a good, while an invoice specifies what you must pay.

What should an invoice contain?
If you use an invoicing program, everything that needs to be on the invoice will in most cases be included automatically, if you have filled in all your company information in the invoicing program.

  1. Date of issue.
  2. A serial number based on one or more series, which alone identifies the invoice.
  3. The seller’s VAT registration number under which the goods or services have been sold.
  4. The customer’s VAT registration number under which he acquired the goods or services, if he is liable for tax for the acquisition of the goods or services or it is a question of an intra-Union sale of goods according to ch. 3 § 30 a or 30 b. In simpler terms, the buyer’s VAT registration number must be stated if so-called reverse charge VAT applies to the purchase, which is usually the case when the customer is a company in another EU country or if a company that sells construction services sells to another company that sells construction services.
  5. Seller’s and buyer’s name and address.
  6. The quantity and nature of the traded goods or the scope and nature of the traded services.
  7. Date when the turnover of the goods or services was carried out or completed or the date when such advance or a conto payment as referred to in § 3 was paid, if such a date can be determined and it differs from the date of issuing the invoice,
  8. The taxation basis for each tax rate or exemption, the unit price excluding tax according to this law, as well as any price reduction or discount if these are not included in the unit price.
  9. Applied VAT rate.
  10. The amount of value added tax to be paid, unless a special order is applied for which this law excludes such information,
  11. When an invoice is issued by the buyer according to § 4, the task self-invoicing,
  12. In case of exemption from tax liability, a reference to
  1. the relevant provision of this Act,
  2. the relevant provision of Council Directive 2006/112/EC, or
  3. another statement that the turnover is exempt from tax liability.
  1. When the buyer is obliged to pay the value added tax, the information reverse charge payment obligation.
  2. When delivering a new means of transport to another EU country, the information in ch. 1. Section 13 a, which determines that the goods must be attributed to such a means of transport,
  3. When applying the profit margin system in ch. 9 b, the task profit margin taxation for travel agencies,
  4. When applying the profit margin system in chapter 9 a., the one or more of the following information that is relevant:
  1. profit margin taxation for used goods,
  2. profit margin taxation for works of art, or
  3. profit margin taxation for collectibles and antiques. Law (2012:342).
  1. The total amount of the invoice does not exceed SEK 4,000 including VAT,
  2. The commercial practice within the relevant business sector, administrative practice or the technical conditions for issuing the invoice make it difficult to comply with all the requirements set out in § 8, or
  3. The invoice is a credit note which is equated with an invoice according to section 10, third paragraph.
  1. Date of issue.
  2. Identification of the seller,
  3. Identification of the type of goods delivered or services provided.
  4. The tax to be paid or information that makes it possible to calculate this, and
  5. if the invoice is a credit note as referred to in the first paragraph 3, a specific and unequivocal reference to the original invoice and the information in it that is changed. Law (2014:1492).

If you have any further questions, please contact us and we will try to help. Click here to access our contact form.

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