
Frequently asked questions

For a rough estimate of your monthly fee, you can use the calculator at the top of our homepage. For a detailed calculation of the fee, you can either contact us or fill in our detailed form on our page to get a quote. For some price examples for different types of companies, you can check out our page with Prices and fees.
You can read an explanation of how we can keep our prices down on our homepage. Another explanation is that we have still worked with fixed fees since we started the company, and unlike hourly billing, this means a strong incentive to constantly streamline operations. In addition to accounting, financial statements, declarations and ongoing advice are included. Everything that all companies normally need help with regarding their accounting is included. What is not included are unusual things that most companies do not need help with. For example. to apply for grants or time-consuming advice such as help with developing a budget or business plan.
Lilla Ekonomibyrån started in 2013 and we have about 250 customers from all over Sweden. We have many customers who have an auditor, so our work is quality assured on an ongoing basis. Those of us who work with accounting are all trained and experienced accountants. We also have several developers who have deep knowledge in IT, as we work intensively with technological development to constantly streamline and improve our services. Our CEO is a strong generalist with an edge in business development. Together we are a broad and strong team that can help you with your needs. We are a pure accounting firm and do not offer auditing or qualified legal advice for taxes.
The main values you get from of working with us are that we offer competitive and transparent prices, a structured and smooth work process, and that we are available and answer questions quickly. We work in a structured manner to offer a high quality of your accounting. We are not the right accounting firm for you if you have a very complex accounting with e.g. several different cost centers, complex project accounting and a detailed chart of accounts that need to be followed to the letter. We are also not the right accounting firm if you need to be able to extract accurate reports in real time, as we work periodically for efficiency reasons.
For small companies, it is normally very easy to change accounting firm. If the same accounting system is used since before, it can be a couple of keystrokes to hand over the accounting. If not, you can export and import files in just a few minutes. In most cases, you do not even need a handover call between the old and the new accounting firm, as it is usually enough to send over a couple of files and then everything is ready.
It is absolutely easier to change in connection with the annual financial statements, but it is so easy to hand over the accounting that there is no strong reason to wait any longer period to change accounting firm if you have decided to change, so do it as soon as soon as possible.
For the smallest companies, it is often more costly to just get help with the annual financial statements than to let us handle all the accounting, including the annual financial statements. This is because it takes time to familiarize yourself with and to reconcile the work that someone else has done, at least if the person who did the work is not an experienced accountant. The tools we have developed to streamline our service are based on the accounting being handled with our own work processes. We normally only take on this type of assignment if you also choose to enter into a collaboration with us for handling the ongoing accounting in the future. Feel free to contact us if you want to discuss this type of arrangement.
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