Understanding Depreciation for Small Businesses in Sweden


Depreciation is a crucial concept for small businesses, impacting financial reporting and tax calculations. This guide demystifies depreciation, explaining its importance in layman’s terms, especially under the K2 accounting framework commonly used by smaller Swedish companies.


What is Depreciation?

Depreciation refers to the allocation of the cost of an asset over its useful life. Instead of recording the entire cost when purchased, your businesses can spread out the expense over a longer period. This reflects the asset’s consumption and wear over time, offering a more accurate financial picture.

When is depreciation used?

Depreciation needs to be used when you purchase assets that costs more than a half the official “price base amount”, exlcluding VAT, and when the useful life of the asset is more than three years. If the cost is less than half the “price base amount”, then it’s optional to depreciate the asset.

The Price Base Amount for 2023 is SEK 52,500, and for 2024 it’s SEK 57,300.

This for example means that if you in 2024 buy a laptop for less than SEK 28,650, then you can choose whether to depreciate it or not. If more than that, then you have to depreciate it.

Example of Depreciation

Consider purchasing a computer for SEK 40,000. Instead of booking this as a one-time expense, it’s divided over its expected usage period – typically five years for equipment in within the K2 accounting framework that is mainly used for small businesses. This results in an annual depreciation cost of SEK 8,000, aligning expenses with actual usage.

Why is Depreciation Important for Small Businesses?

Depreciation affects how profits are reported and taxes calculated. It provides a realistic view of asset values and business expenses, crucial for sound financial planning and compliance with Swedish tax laws.

Depreciation and Tax Implications

Deduction for depreciation can significantly impact tax liabilities. By understanding and accurately applying rules for depreciation , small businesses can optimize their tax positions. In the example above about the computer purchase, the tax deduction will be SEK 8,000 and not SEK, 40,000. This means that buying a lot of equipment before of the end of the year just to reduce the taxes will not be as effective as you might think.

Common questions

The depreciation within the K2-framework starts the year that the asset was purchased. This means that an asset purchased in December still will be depreciated 20% for the whole year and not starting from December, if the financial year ends in december.
Yes, that is allowed if there is a clear argument that the asset’s lifetime is longer than five years.
No, an asset is removed from the balance sheet when your company doesn’t use or have the asset anymore. This means that if you still use the asset after seven years, it should still be in your balance sheet even if the value is 0.


For small business owners in Sweden, understanding depreciation is key to financial success. It ensures accurate financial reporting and effective tax management. By understanding and applying these principles, businesses can maintain a robust financial standing.

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